Sunday, January 31, 2010

Requirments Of A Male Pron Star I Am Wanting To Breed My Electric Yellow Cichlid?

I am wanting to breed my electric Yellow cichlid? - requirments of a male pron star

I have 1 male and I'm going to buy for women, if I know how I'm playing well and what conditions must have a 20 gallon tank with many fish in the community who do not know, perhaps it is with my cycle, but that it once not 't hurt, and the Gospel of Thomas there for months.


yablocks... said...

The 29, which is the smallest size that you need to buy bigger and Labidochromis caeruleus is better, but 29 will work. Make sure a few pieces of slate in the soil a nesting site. These fish are easily trained. The best way is to young people are 5-7 and lift together. They consist of typical mouthbrooders Lake Malawi. These are defined as 6 months and up to half an inch in size. It is better to have a separate aquarium with many hiding places for employment. It takes 2 weeks for the eggs on the head and tail, and are fully trained in 3 weeks. Make sure a woman back in good health before they recorded in the main aquarium. Enjoy great fish.

Gary C said...

It is not 20 liters in a community tank. When preparing Macht (Labidochromis caeruleus) for the race (one perhaps) even before that date, which kill all other fish in the tank.

Answer to the second question: The players of 29 gallons is probably large enough (when other fish, the yellow power there). The 10 gallon is certainly too small.

Arch said...

I had deposits that show, but I buy my fish from a tank and brreder together have usually two or three females and one male in a tank. Then lift the teperature slowly in water 4 degrees or less, a period of eight hours and pull mating. It then moves on all types of fish to celebrate with the exception of men and women. Only three weeks after moving out of the tank man and she int woman until he spits. Then he releases the woman.

hottamal... said...

I saw a couple of gallons of 10 and the woman was actually fry. While this is possible .... if in 10 gallons, which stunted and not kept its full potential .. I held several liters of 30 and do not see any aggression, so do not know why they say they are aggressive because they are one of the sweetest cichlids on the market. They play really, if you put a flat stone in the tank and not with their mating dance, you stand in front of the tank. Even if another tank mate disturbs spawning while .. one will drive straight to him after blocking Clock. lol! Oh, yes ... by .... Mbuna these guys breed like rabbits.

Jody Y said...

I am also trying to increase electrical yellow've bought 2 so far and the two men were eventually so I went n have bought one third of children under their hopeing a woman that I have read about spawning initiateing a change in the water, probably The temperature drop of good luck with electric yellow

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